

Here are some pictures of my family and friends.

Family and Friends Photo Album

Services Strategies Corporation

The Service Capability & Performance (SCP) Professional Service Standard is the definitive benchmark of service quality in the technology industry. Created by a consortium of leading technology companies in cooperation with Service Strategies Corporation and the Association for Services Management International (AFSMI), the SCP Professional Service Standard defines best practices for delivering professional services.  I worked as a Systems team supervisor for over a year and have a SSPA Certified Support Manager certification and also the Support Professional certification.  http://www.servicestrategies.com/  


Debian Linux is a great distribution of Linux.  It is a free version so check it out if you like Linux and want to learn more about it.  http://www.debian.org/

Redhat Linux is what we use at work.  Redhat is getting to be the Linux standard. http://www.redhat.com/


Ubuntu might be the most popular free distribution of Linux available and one of my favorite distributions of Linux.


National Technical Honor Society

I am a member of the National Technical Honor Society.  I was inducted two times, once for each degree I earned at ITT Technical Institute.  You can visit their Web site at http://www.nths.org/

ITT Technical Institute 

I graduated from ITT Technical Institute.  I have a B.S. in Information Systems Security and a A.S. Information Technology.  I am happy with the education I received from ITT Technical Institute.  I think it is much like any school, you get out of it what you put into it.  I put a lot into my education and I am happy with the results.  You can visit their site at http://www.itt-tech.edu/


It is truly amazing what youtube has become.  It is a great place to learn about new things, people, and places.  It has been the launching point for many new things and some careers.   I use it a lot for learning music.  They have some great musicians there and some give awesome video lessons.  Check out youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/

Lynda for learning

I am a lynda.com member.  I use and endorse lynda.com for learning new skills or a quick refresher on something you have not used in a while.  Check out all the great courses from Lynda at lynda.com

© David Diggs 2013